Thursday, January 24, 2008

Dismissal of Lawsuit

Recently the court case on behalf of the former OSU primates was dismissed. The lawsuit was funded by PETA and was aimed at providing immediate relief to the 9 chimpanzees and 3 monkeys shipped from OSU to Primarily Primates Inc. The plaintiffs included the 11 primates, 2 former caregivers of the OSU primates and a veterinarian. This lawsuit helped uncover the horrific hoarding conditions at Primarily Primates Inc. and the neglect of hundreds of innocent animals. Had it not been initiated there is no doubt that the suffering at PPI would have continued and dozens more innocent lives would have been lost.

Friends of Animals continues to misrepresent information and the intentions of those who continue to seek the best possible care for the same animals that were neglected while housed at Primarily Primates. For FoA to claim to have any knowledge of the lives of the former OSU primates while housed at OSU or while housed at Primarily Primates prior to receivership is misleading and irresponsible.

The evidence of the neglect at PPI is clear and cannot be disproved. The time, energy and resources of FoA and PPI should be solely focused on those lives directly under their care. Instead they are suing Chimp Haven and fighting against other sanctuaries and facilities to reclaim all of their “property”.

Ultimately what was best for Kermit’s Community was realized as former caregivers were permitted to provide the care necessary to rehabilitate the members of Kermit’s Community and help them transition to their new life at Chimp Haven.

To return the remaining members of Kermit’s Community to the facility that destroyed their family would constitute nothing short of abuse and cruelty. No amount of repair or construction at Primarily Primates could ever repair the psychological and emotional damage caused to such innocent animals when dumped at PPI.


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