Thursday, October 19, 2006

OSU Animals Should be Moving Soon

At an emergency hearing in Austin, Texas, today a judge granted the receiver authority to move animals that are in most need of immediate rescue. All 72 chimpanzees at PPI ultimately need to be moved to a true sanctuary that can provide larger enclosures, access to fresh air and sunshine, nesting materials, adequate nutrition, exercise, and enrichment to promote their psychological well-being. Lee Theisen-Watt said "Every single day these animals are suffering and that's why we initiated this motion, because to wait another week would be to allow these animals to continue to suffer." She said that there are approximately 20 chimpanzees and 20 monkeys who are suffering the most and they will begin moving them as soon as possible. The OSU animals are among those that will be moved immediately so they can begin the long road to recovery. Though they have experienced horrible traumas, the loss of Kermit and Bobby, and they continue to suffer from being seperated from their family group, the chimps have revealed the subtle facets of their personalities to Stephany and Klaree. Now Stephany and Klaree are confident that the chimps will return to their uniquely expressive and comfortable selves when they are moved to a proper facility.


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