Tuesday, October 17, 2006

TX Attorney General Steps in for the Animals

On October 13, Primarily Primates was placed under court ordered management after a judge agreed with the overwhelming evidence of inhumane conditions and "great mismanagement" of donation money at the Texas animal holding facility. There are also concerns about "health and hygiene issues."

Lee Theisen-Watt, a Texas expert in wild animal rehabilitation, has been given the temporary charge of overseeing the facility. Lee reports that the animals are cramped, kept in delipidated enclosures, and that each day "reveals another horror."

Kermit's Community Supporters have been trying to reunite Stephany Harris and Klaree Boose, the caretakers of the former OSU animals, with the primates - Sarah, Sheba, Darrell, Keeli, Ivy, Harper, Emma, Rain, and Ulysses since March 1 to see that the animals are cared for in they ways they deserve. On Saturday morning, October 14, the reunion finally happened.


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